Welcome to this course guide for BIO181 & BIO182, regarding your assignment to find and critique a peer-reviewed, scholarly, academic journal article. This guide is for students of Professor Espinosa and other BIO instructors.
What is a peer-reviewed scholarly article and how do you find one?
Begin by watching this short YouTube video (3:12), Scholarly vs. Popular Periodicals -- https://youtu.be/ysPDZGj3cRA
Or, search YouTube for: Peabody scholarly vs. popular; it's the first video by Vanderbilt University.
Next, start searching for articles in the Library's science databases, at our website: https://libguides.southmountaincc.edu/home
Find the databases: middle of the Library home page, under Student Resources, List of Academic Databases. Click there to go to our Databases A to Z Title listings where you can search by database title: https://libguides.southmountaincc.edu/az.php
See Science databases tab to the left for best databases to search.